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Flippy Pool Rules

  1. You can place/edit your picks until the start of each game.
  2. Each week you are given 100 points to divy up between 1 and 10 games.
  3. Minimum is 10 points per game and maximum is 100 points per game.
  4. Points are only awarded if you place correctly and you beat the spread; a tie is a bust.
  5. Games will be posted on Tuesday evening.
  6. Point spread is determined using ESPN.
  7. All NFL, the Top 25 and B1G10 college games, are offered.
  8. Top three overall point winners will receive a prize.
  9. Good luck, have fun, and hopefully we'll see you at the Super Bowl!

IMPORTANT! Please Read:

Should a game date and/or time be altered*:
  1. If a player is the first to notice a game change:
    1. Please notify Admin immediately so that the game and any associated picks can be removed.
    2. The player should delete their pick and pick another game.
  2. Otherwise, Admin will do the following:
    1. Remove the game from the list of weekly games and any associated player picks.
    2. Notify this group through e-mail as soon as it is known, in order for a player to make another pick.
    3. Query the database for active player picks on said game, and if any, attempt to notify the player directly.
  3. The player will have until the last available game to make their replacement pick.
  4. Should the altered game be the last game and a new pick hasn’t been made:
    1. If the player has additional picks, the points for that game will be evenly distributed between the other picks.
    2. If the player puts all points on said altered game, the game will be considered a bust.
  5. Should COVID-19 spiral out of control, causing many altered games, to the point that it is disruptive to the play in FlippyPool, the pool will be refunded for the season.
*postponed, canceled, or forfeited